Morning Vic,

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Vic wrote:

> Yeah, all I wanted was aback up for when both ICQ
> and aol im puck up and don't me connect

  Might have a look at EveryBuddy.  I'd only set it up once for a
friend who was temporarily on AOL.  She was never on-line when
I'd tried to find her, so I don't know how well it works, but it
supports many formats.

> then my buddies can ssh into my machine, and
> we can all use the talk thing like I used to back
> in the 70's.

  Wish I had tome to figure out what's keeping ytalk from
working.  I've not actually set it up in lm7.2, but I know that
I'd tried talk earlier (on another install now).

  If I can get some priorities out of the way, I'll set it up &
let you know how it goes.



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