> Has anyone found properly functioning tax filing software for
> linux yet?  I have search to no avail.

  I'd searched all over last year.  I remember a few which
purported to work in Linux, but they wanted some unrealistic
amount of money for the app.  I really don't get that -- don't
those of us who aren't made of money have to file too?  Oh, no
money -- no privileges; I remember now.

> Augh man, don't tell me I have to boot into windows for this?
> :(

  Looks like.  I'd actually gone the phone-in route this year, as
I'd only worked round six months last year -- as far as taxable
income is concerned.  I rather liked that, & I'm getting back a
damn site more than I've ever.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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