When most of you ppl reply to something, you include all of the message you
replied to, which in its turn may include messages it's replied to, etc.
Sometimes the interesting part in the original message are just one line,
while the whole msg might be 100 lines.. So, this means that of the 500k i
get in the mailbox a day from these lists (newbie and expert), 90% is stuff
i've already read, that i don't need to read again, and that's not relevant
to the reply at all. My point is, could you please try to just include the
part of the message you're actually replying to ?

This will save time and space both when downloading the messages from the
mailserver (for those who doesn't have dsl, cable, fiber-optic etc.
connections), and also when reading the message, so that we don't have to
skip through a whole lot of uninteresting text.


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