Actually, I've just delved deeper into the VmWare site, and found the release notes 
for 2.0.3 - as of this release, it does have support for 2.4.x kernels...

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/15 1:50 pm >>>
Hi again,

Not sure how modules work exactly, but in vmwares case I guess they are like drivers 
that allow the virtual machine to access various resources (screen, harddisk, cdroms 

I've had a look at vmwares site, in their required software section ( ), they state that a kernel 
version 2.0.32 or higher in the 2.0.x series or in the 2.2.x series is required, and 
that glibc version 2 or higher is needed.

Perhaps vmware simply wont work with 2.4.x kernels yet, but you can try other ways of 
setting it up: if you're installing from an RPM, try installing the tar.gz file 
instead, or vice versa. 

At some point in the installation it will say "Checking modules against kernel 
version" or something similar. If it tells you that it needs to build custom modules, 
say yes and see what the output says. Are there any failure messages at all?

Hope this helps...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/15 8:01 am >>>
At 09:49 14/03/2001 +1100, you wrote:
>Hi there,
>vmware makes use of prebuilt modules that suit most kernel versions, but 
>when you recompile a new kernel, the modules that vmware uses may not 
>match the kernel. To update the vmware modules (not real clear as its been 
>some time since I've done this) you need to re-install vmware and let it 
>build custom modules based on your new kernel. More info on how this works 
>should be found on the vmware website.

Thank's Dave

I agree whit you...
I do uninstall and I reinstall it in new kernel but the problems continued.
Do You knows how modules are necessary to install VMware ??? ( I know it's 
hard question )
So don't hurry about it !!!

Lùcio Costa  

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