On Thursday 15 March 2001 12:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've just downloaded pmfirewall.  I have some pretty bad questions as I am
> a complete newbie.  I want to get this up and running so that I can feel
> safe about getting on the net.  My question is, after I unzip it where
> should I point the file when I untar it as root?

> ie tar -xvf "-------"

Just untar it into a temp directory. The installer will put things where they 
need to go. (BTW, if you're running Mandrake 7.2, you may need to create a 
directory called "/usr/man/man8" to hold pmfirewall's man page.) 

> When I run the install shell it's saying that it isn't finding the
> directory or something.

What _exactly_ is it saying?

> And, does anyone have any general suggestions about out of box security for
> a complete newbie?  I know absolutely nothing about IP chains.

There's really no such thing as out-of-box security but, fortunately, 
pmfirewall doesn't require you to know anything about IP chains.

It would be helpful if you could tell us...

1. How you're connecting to the net (i.e., modem, cable modem, ADSL, etc.)

2. Whether you want to protect a single machine or a home network.

3. Whether you're planning to run servers on your linux box (i.e., web 
server, ftp server, etc.)

4. Whether your ISP assigns your IP address dynamically using DHCP (i.e., do 
you get a different IP address every time you connect?).


Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

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