i will check out the calender thing when i get home today and see what happens.

as to opening word documents, it must be the demo that does not do these things.  i 
don't have many word documents, but the few i do have open just fine.  

you have the applix demo running right?  if it helps you could email me some sample 
word documents, i can open them in applix and save them as applix files then send them 
back to you.  if the word docs you work with are simply text with basic formatting i 
know it will work fine.  i have also opened doc files with images and that works fine. 
 i haven't tried really advanced doc files -- say, columes with frames and such -- 
like one would have with a news letter.

applix will handle MSWord, Wordperfect, RTF, plain text, just about anything i have 
run into.  it also saves in HTML format which is somewhat useful.


Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

>>> marcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1:33:12 AM 3/22/01 >>>
Dear Adrian, Thank you for letting me know about Applix 5. I am a
newsletter editor so of course I have to write alot, also. It sounds
like it may be the word processor for me then. I would love to know if I
can create calendars easily with it. I have to place calendars with
events into my newsletter besides the articles and main body of the
newsletter. If you could easily find out if it can create calendars I
would appreciate that. 

I checked out the help system on my Applix demo and it seems to be fine
so far. Does Applix open up Word documents OK? I tried to open other
documents on the demo but it would not let me do anything in that area.
I wonder if it is because it is just a demo.

Thanks for the information and assistance. I appreciate it. I may ask
more about it in the near future. Sincerely, Marcia

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