On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:28:02 -0500, spake "Kelly, Christopher"

> I have another question... as always.
> I d/l'ed LinNeighborhood last night and installed the rpm. I was
> wondering
> if anyone has ever configured it before? I can't even find where it is
> installed to. I need your help!
> Moose


Try this is the command line:
        locate LinNeighborhood

You should then be able to find the binary. Mine is located in /usr/bin.
Since that is in my $PATH, I can simply call the program from the command
line, like this:
        [dave@dedannshae dave]$ LinNeighborhood &

Alternatively, I have also created a K desktop icon to launch it.

Remember, you need to have Samba set up and running correctly on your LAN,
in order to use LinNeighborhood, since it is really only a GUI front-end
for Samba. Once Samba is working properly, then LinNeighborhood should
work as well.

You also need to suid several of the Samba binaries (smbmount, smbumount,
and possibly nmblookup -- the website has information on this).

There isn't much more to it. Launch the app, add a machine to your list,
then browse any machines and mount any shares you need.


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