On Wednesday 28 March 2001 10:29, you wrote:
> Hello all
> This is actually two questions.  First is there anything for mandrake
> which is  GPL equivalent to ftp servers like servu?  When I mean
> equivalent I also mean with a gui interface, i loved command line
> sometimes but when config some stuff like an ftp server I hate it.

Yes but not really as a single program.  IglooFTP would be close but proftpd 
with webmin should do nicely.

For the other questions--check the confihuraton available through webmin.  
Fire up Konqueror, login to and see.


> Question number two.  So until I find a ftpd with a gui, I am using
> wu-ftpd.  I need help.  I have setup a ftpuser that can only login into
> throught ftp basically, if the user attemps to telnet or whatever, they do
> not have a shell to get in with.  Now I am serveral directories in the
> ftpuser home directory, ie /home/ftpuser.  here is an example
> /home/ftpuser...
>       /bin
>       /etc
>       /mp3
>       /upload
>       /work
> now I want the prevent the user from uploading to
> /home/ftpuser/
>       /bin
>       /etc
>       /mp3
>       /work
> and can upload/retrieve from
>       /upload
> what modifications do I have to make to my ftpaccess file to do this?
> and I am lost to what the hell the difference is between a real and guest.
> I am guessing that since the guest is restricted to his/her somedirectory,
> he becomes a guest
> PS one more question
> the way it is setup is that the user logins in as ftpuser and a password.
> I want to set it up so that I can have joe, bob, mike, john, all have
> unique logins and passwords but have the samme access all to hether
> basicalling home directory to /home/ftpuser
> really need help with all this
> thanks
> nadin

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