DOS/Win can not see linux partitions.  this is due to the superiority complex which 
runs amok in the Evil Empire (TM).
there are Win apps that will access your linux partition.  i have one called Captain 
Nemo, but i do not use it extensively so i can not vouch for reliability.

remember, Win98 can not even see NTFS....  M$ is not compatable with it's self, much 
less compatable with anything else.   =)

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

>>> Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7:52:44 AM 4/2/01 >>>
Hi folks..              

A Linux virgin here. I have LM7.2 on a separate drive. W98SE on the other
drive with Grub as the boot selector. Why does LM not show up in DOS? Is it
possible to make it do so? TIA(thanx in advance).

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