Dear Mark, Thank you for your thoughts. Unless someone is working on tax
software now that is like Quicken than your idea is probably one of the
few that would get this going. I paid about $29.00 for my Quicken and
really  that is not bad for most to pay considering it is usually way
more than that to have them done professionally. If there were enough
people to convince some developers to work on this so that the price is
not high for those of us volumteering to be sponsors than maybe it will
fly. It is a good thought. Personally, I think this is a very needed
program for Linux and could help bring many over to Linux with this. I
think Linux is amazing considering the "free" and I am very impressed. I
believe we will continue to see improvement however feedback like ours
is needed so the developers know what to work on. Very good idea. If you
find out who to contact and get something going in this area, please let
me know. Thanks, Marcia

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