root wrote:
> Help!
> I was unsuccessful in obtaining a cd which burned correctly
> to install 8.0 beta 2 or 3.
> So I tried upgrading to KDE 2.1 via the Mandrake 7.2 RPM
> packages off of  How do I get it to work? 
> I click on one of the Mandrake 7.2 RPM packages, it
> downloads then stops the install saying unsatisifed
> dependancies and list thems.  I then try and download the
> RPM that has some of the dependancies, but then  that tells
> me it has unsatisfied dependancies, so i try another and
> get same result.
> Helpppppp.
> This is the song that never ends, it goes on and on my
> friend....

root....first you need to put all the .rpm files that you 
downloaded from sourceforge into a directory (one with no 
other files in it).  Then you type (at a command line as 

rpm -Uvh *

this will check all the dependencies of all the .rpm file in 
that directory and if there are no dependency problems or 
other conflicts all of the .rpm file in the directoey will be 
installed.  When the installation of the .rpm files is 
complete then type at the command line:

rpm --rebuilddb

and when that command finishes type:

update-menus -v

when that command seems to have stopped press enter to get 
back the command prompt.  Then log off of the system and 
reboot.  That's it.

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