Winmodems are designed to work with Windows only. They do this by using
special drivers that put much of the work on the CPU; this allows them
to be made and sold much more cheaply. Sometimes they can be made to
work under Linux -- go to
to see if your modem will work, and the tricks that will be necessary.
If you are successful, you will still suffer a performance penalty since
your CPU will be doing the work that a REAL modem would do. Since you
just bought the modem, my advice would be to get your money back and buy
a REAL modem that will work with any operating system. The above site
contains a lot of information about making certain that you do get a
REAL modem.

"Lúcio Costa de Almeida" wrote:
> Hi folks !!!
> I have a problem whit my new PCI modem.
> It a Winmodem/PCI 3Com/USR 56.6 Int.
> When I start it, I don't have any line ton.
> I try configurate it but I don't have sucess.
> Can You Help me.
> Lúcio Costa.
> Brazil
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