On my zip drive there's a small, translucent plastic button. When the drive 
is accessed the button glows green. I've watched that button glow for a year. 
I used windoze and always ejected the cartridge via a software command. I 
never thought to press it until I read your suggestion. So, I give it a try, 
just to see what happens, and low and behold, the drive ejects the cartridge 
whether I umount it first, or not.

I knew as soon as I sent my request for help that it sounded pretty lame. I 
knew I'd get some reply about pressing the eject button, something I knew I 
didn't have one of. Well...

Thanks very much from a newly commissioned officer of the brain dead newbie 

I assume I need to umount  /mnt/zip before I eject the cartridge? Like not 
ejecting a floppy without unmounting the file, first?  

On Saturday 14 April 2001 09:58, you wrote:
> On Saturday 14 April 2001 08:51, thus spake mike hodder:
> > I'm another newbie refugee from the unstable world of windows.
> > Naturally, therefore, my hardware is "windoze compatible"
> >
> > How do I eject a cartridge out of a zip drive?
> Um... press the eject button?  ;-)
> Seriously, though, if the eject button isn't working, then probably you
> need to unmount it first. I know my cdrom works that way. I insert a cd,
> then mount the drive. Once I am done with it, I need to unmount the drive
> before I can eject the cd.
> Dave


Mike Hodder

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