I just wanted to update the group on this issue.

For those of you that use Mutt, you know how customizable it is via
your .muttrc file.  Well that's where the problem was.

In the .muttrc you can specify who you are, your email address and the
organization that you belong to.  The lines would look something like

my_hdr From: Tim Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
my_hdr Organization: UNIXTECHS ORG
my_hdr Reply-To: Tim Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well there's often another line in the .muttrc that tell tells it to remove
all "extra" headers as well. That looks like this.

unmy_hdr *              

Well, from what I've been told by others, if you have the line for unmy_hdr
in your .muttrc, it will ignore error messages that you may have from reading
the .muttrc.

That's what allowed the problem to slip through, but the problem was caused
by the line for Organization.  If you leave my_hdr Organization: blank, it
causes an error.  It will allow you to open your mailbox and move around in
them and read messages, and even right them, but as soon as you try and send
them, you recieve a lovely segment fault, and sometimes a core is dumped.

Instead of just ignoring the blank field is dies on you.  Personally this being
the case is completely retarded, but that's just me.  I spent almost an entire 
day trying to figure out why I had two users, that would continue to get segment
faults each time they sent mail.  But 5 other users were just fine!  That's what
pointed me towards the .muttrc.

After rebuilding my .muttrc file line by line, (Which was a pain in the @%$ if you
ask me!) and finally found that it was the Organization line that was causing my
problem.  I removed that line, and the problem is gone.  I think the people with
mutt were retarded for doing that!  But again... that's just me.

On another note, I found a way to turn off Aurora, and I suggest that it is 
done, as well as leaving failsafe in your boot menu, as I've seen it come in
handy several times.

Thanx for listen'n! :0)

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Tim Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010422 06:25]:
| I installed Mandrake 8 last night.  And it went pretty smooth.  It's back
| to using Aurora again, which I don't like, but my sister likes watching
| the pretty backgrounds as it goes though.  (Believe it or not she's 19.)
| So I get my system up and running, I restore the user directories from my
| Mandrake 7.2 install, and everything appears to be doing just fine.  I start
| fetchmail, I brought of my old HTML files and mail, so I start up my favorite
| mail client.
| I start up mutt and it has my old mail, and it reads my .muttrc even though it
| thinks there's no $HOME/mail directory, which there is, but it insists on making
| one, and everything's fine.  So I decide it's time to respond to some emails,
| and here's where I have the problem.
| I finish typing up my email, I verify all the addresses are in place and hit
| y to send the email.  I get a "Sending message...Segmentation fault."  But it
| doesn't actually send the message and then mutt of course dies on me.
| The last time I tried to upgrade Mutt, I had this problem, but it was when I 
| trying to download POP mail.  I keep trying to figure out why this is happening
| and then I get it.
| [timh@r2d2 timh]$ mutt -v
| Mutt 1.3.15i (2001-02-12)
| Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
| Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
| Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
| under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.
| System: Linux 2.4.3-20mdk [using ncurses 5.2]
| Compile options:
| ISPELL="/usr/bin/ispell"
| SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail"
| MAILPATH="/var/mail"
| SHAREDIR="/etc"
| EXECSHELL="/bin/sh"
| To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
| To report a bug, please use the flea(1) utility.
| Mutt's configured, straight off the CD, for sendmail.
| SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail"
| But Mandrake has been trying to push postfix on everybody for the last 3 releases.
| It won't even allow you to install sendmail.  Gives you a good 100 or so dependancy
| errors.
| So my question, is how do I install Mutt to use postfix?  Or where do I go and change
| mutt so it will use postfix instead.
| Any help is greatly appreciated.
| tdh
| T. Holmes
| Unixtechs.org
| "Real Men use Vi."

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