> > I am looking for a fast and reliable FTP site to download Mandrake 8.0
> > have fast access to the net, I work for an ISP, I have just been lucky
> > finding sites that suck so bad they bend light.
> >

I'm at a Internet2 university, so that makes a huge difference in DL speeds,
but generally I find that .edu sites located in the continental US (given
that the ISP you work for is continental US...) have good connections.

I generally don't bother DLing from a site with a ping worse than 100ms.
Your mileage will vary -- 100ms may be unreasonably fast for you.

ftp://jungle.metalab.unc.edu is a decent site. ftp://ftp.software.umn.edu
may work good for you, however I have no way of knowing as I am only 4 hops
away from that machine.

Avoid Tucows. I've never gotten good speeds from them, seldom over 25k/sec.
That's way too slow for an ISO.


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