I am using LNE100TX flawlessly in all of those

There must be some sort of conflict with your LNE100TX
and the onboard network card???  Can you disable it? 
You should be able to use both, but something weird is
happening to you.

LNE100TX certainly works in Linux and Windows.

--- Jon Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know or have experience with whether or
> not the Toshiba
> PCX1100U USB cable modem will work with Mandrake?
> Any links to info?
> My Motherboard NIC doesn't work and installing my
> Lynksys LNE100TX
> just frezes both Win98SE, WinME and Hardrake in 7.2
> and 8.0.
> This is my last ditch effort to put Linux-Mandrake
> back on here, hate
> that M$ crap.

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