I have had it

I don't udnerstand why SoundStudio is such a broken piece of trash.

Who the heck wrote it and how DRUNK were they when theyu wrote it??

I have smashed my keyboard 3 times, screamed cried, trashed the room,
I'm sorry but I'M UPSET!!!!!!!!!!

I do not expect anyone to understand how I feel because you are
all so perfect and Bob Normal.

I'm sorry but I'm handicapped.

I don't hate anyone here I just hate that SoundStudio does not work
all it does is spit out a bunch of poop like can't execute this or that

THen when it does come up, why won't it SAVE THE STINKING FILE?!?!?!

i'm so sick of being the onl;y one with it that does not work why ME>?!?!?!?

I'm very close to giving up

If someone can relate, if there is someone out there with any heart at all,
they will try to help[ me.

I am quick.y losing my faith in this

Notice I did not cuss this time, I should get a reeward for that,
and I did not even use the secretary, I firewd them all they stank.

I HATE stuff that is broken rubbish LIke SoundStudio if I EVER
meet the little creep that wrote it, I woyuld love to kick him/her
right in the face, good job you joker worthless excuse of a programmer.

Surely someone is not so perfect that they ahve had trouble with
and were able to find out why soundstudio is so worthless.

Is there a better sound file editor out there??
Is worthless soundstudio the only stupid worthless software

Wyhat can I do??????????

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