Hi all,

I just installed FreeSco onto two computers.. (twin P166's with 32 MB of ram
and twin network cards and modems.  overkill I know, considering it will run
on a 386SX with 6mb...)

Anyway, The purpose of this, is to connect two networks remotely.
really we just want port 3005 on a statix IP'd computer on one network to be
available remotely to a computer at the other network via a dial up line..

I think I have got it setup so that one box dials the other,, and the other
answers, establishing a ppp connection between the two. This seems to be
setup just fine, its the next bit that has me slightly confused.

Now, I have setup port forwarding to port 3005 on one of the boxs, and I
have setup the machine that we want to connect port 3005 to with the IP of
the router box as its gateway.
And I have set the other router box with portforwarding for 3005, so as to
allow two way communication on port 3005 between the two PC's on the two

Will this even work?

I wanted to use FreeSco as the distro, because I can fit the whole lot on a
write protected floppy.

FreeSco seemed to be the answer, because out of the box, it supports
firewalling, bridging, static routing, dialout and dialin and a host of
other stuff, and all accessable from a menu system...

Am I on the write track? and does anyone have any good links on port
forwarding or whatever I need to set this up easily??

any help would be most appreciated.

kindest regards..


PS, for anyone wanting a basic dialup box with IPmasq and firewall. I think
you can't go wrong with FreeSCo, I got as far as I have without editing a
single file.. I had the first box up and running 10 minutes after
downloading the Zip file. and luckily enough, the network cards both these
boxes have. (3Com 509's are supported directely by the distro, so I didn't
even need to install modules.)

many thanks yet again...

Frank Hauptle
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