I think you should do this as user, not root

for the .bin, first do a
"chmod 744 filename.bin", then "./filename.bin"

for the .rpm do
"rpm -i filename.rpm"

tazmun wrote:

> Hi All
> I am very new to Linux and the command line is very intimidating yet.  
> I have downloaded a supposedly self extracting file (.bin) as well as 
> the rpm version of the file.  They suggest in the install directions 
> that this be done from the command line and tell you that by using a 
> command(./) on both of the files will start a script asking if you 
> agree to their agreement first.  This command on either file just gets 
> me a permission denied error whether I'm logged on as a user or as 
> root.  This file is to install the runtime java enviroment required by 
> Staroffice for any java applications to function.  The file will not 
> run in kpackage in the rpm version either......if you try to execute 
> it it will error and say  is it not  executeable.  I am running 
> Mandrake 7.1 for now.  I've also tried the rpm -ivh and -iv commands 
> to no avail either.....help please.....I hate the Redmond gang but 
> this is driving me nuts too!! 
> Anyone helping here please assume I know nothing of the command line 
> in their directions. 
> Tazmun

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