Hi all,
I just got thru all the possible newsgroups without a proper answer, so here
is my question:
I got a Thinkpad 760ED for free, but without CDROM and with a defective
floppy drive. Replacing the floppy drive is almost as expensive as a new
(used) 760ED. Is there a way to install thru a network connection from
another computer? I can't tell what filesytem is on the harddrive nor what
partitions are there. Would it be advisable to buy an ethernet card and
connect the laptop to my desktop machine? Since in the bios boot sequence I
can select "network", there must be a way to at least get a floppy image
copied to the HD. If somebody ever did it or has any concrete tip on how to
do it, I would greatly appreciate it... and if there isn't a way, also
please let me know so that I save buying the ethernet card...
Marcio Cordero

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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