Sorry (being a smart ass), you can't buy civilizationII, you have to get
it for free (FreeCiv).  Seriously, although I like the original
Civilization better than Civ II, FreeCiv is a very good "clone" of
CivII.  You will have to get past the client/server thingie though.  If
you have trouble, post again.  (FreeCiv comes with Mandrake 7.0 and 7.2,
and I presume with any Mandrake since 7.0.)

The Gimp is often described as a good graphic program, and perhaps a
suitable substiture for Photoshop.  (I've never used either.)  The
others I can't help you with.

Randy Kramer

matty mo wrote:
> are any of the following available for linux? i'm
> willing to buy them if they are...
> civilizationII
> simcity3000
> dreamweaver
> photoshop6
> black and white
> matt
> =====
> "cosmic systems intertwine
> astral bodies drip like wine
> all of nature ebbs and flows
> ...why does all creation rejoice?" - mad donna
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