Hi, Abe:

Thanks for the advice.  I am using the nvidia drivers.
 I did rebuild them from source and I did remove the
conflicting mesa files.  I am VERY confident that X is
loading the Nvidia driver and GLX.

I definitely have the libGL files.  However, they are
in my /usr/lib directory.  I believe smpeg is
expecting them elsewhere (I'm not sure).  I made links
from /usr/X11R6/lib (where I believe the mesa files
were originally) to the files in /usr/lib, but this
did not help.

I have compiled the latest SDL (1.2) and smpeg (4.3). 
They are optimized for i686.

I have found that if I disable the movies, Shogo will
work fine in OpenGL mode.  It seg faults upon exit,
but the game is functioning.  Comparing the game to
software mode, I have not (yet) noticed any missing

Because of this movie issue, I am especially
suspicious that my problem lies with smpeg and my
nvidia GL driver.  I get a message during the smpeg
compilation that says it is disabling OpenGL movie
playback support.  Compiling the previous 4.2 version
gave me an error that it couldn't find GL or GLU. 
This is why I think that maybe smpeg is expecting my
files in a location other than where nvidia installed

I intend to write Loki (they made smpeg) tonight with
the details and hopefully they will have time to help
me.  I'll write back if I find more details.

As an aside, I am also having issues with Sin.  Sin is
made by Hyperion who also made Shogo.  Well, they
ported the games anyway.  Hyperion says that my
problems with Sin have to do with a bug in nvidia's
latest driver.  For that they said I either had to go
back to an older driver or wait for nvidia to fix it. 
I'm still looking into this problem.  Just like Shogo,
Sin works fine in Software mode (albeit ugly and a tad

Other games like Unreal Tournament, Quake III Arena,
GLTron, Tuxracer, etc all work fine with OpenGL

--- abram olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Todd, I'm using my new freebsd box right now so I
> can't tell you exactly what those files are ;-)
> Do you have the NVIDIA drivers installed on your
> system?  Sounds to me like you either don't have
> them
> installed or they aren't installed correctly.  You
> can
> find them here:
> I like to download the src.rpms and build 'em
> myself. 
> You MUST have these installed to get good 3d
> acceleration under X with an nvidia card.
> Before you install the GLX part you should remove
> all
> conflicting files of which there is a complete list
> here:
> if your using the rpms you're only interested in
> removing the files in the list in the middle of the
> page.  Once that is done then you can install the
> NVIDIA_GLX rpm.  Need I say that you should be doing
> all this from the console with no X running?
> After those two are installed you need to change a
> few
> things in your x server config file
> (/etc/X11/XF86Config-4):
> under
> Load  "dbe"     add
> Load  "glx"
> change
> driver "nv"     to
> driver "nvidia"   and add
> Option "NVagp" "2"  (this part I'm not entirely sure
> of read the readme for the nvidia drivers to be
> sure. 
> Basically you are telling X to use the nvidia agp
> implementation here.
> Make sure your default color is set no higher then
> 24bit.  Save and reboot your system.  You should
> have
> working 3d acceleration after all that.  If it is
> flaky (IE crashes a lot try setting it to use
> agpgart,
> you'll probably have to compile it into your kernel
> though.)
> Good luck and feel free to write me again if you
> have
> more questions.  Shogo is an AWESOME game.  I can't
> wait to have the full version.
> Abe
> oh yea, smpeg and stuf too.  I'm using the version
> that comes with mdk8.0 but I rebuilt it from source
> to
> use i686 optimizations.  Gives a lot clearer picture
> and uses less cpu time!
> --- Todd Flinders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Abe, I am using a GeForce 2 GTS like you are. 
> > However, my Shogo immediately crashes complaing
> > about
> > SDL when I try to use OpenGL mode.  It works under
> > Software Mode, but obviously that is undesirable.
> > 
> > Since Shogo is working for you, would you be so
> kind
> > as to post what version of SDL and SMPEG you are
> > using?  A listing of your relevant installed rpms
> > would be very nice.  Thanks for the help!
> > 
> > --- abram olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Just to toss in my .02 here, I haven't had any
> > > problems running quake3, shogo or heavy gear on
> > mdk
> > > 8.0 in full screen mode.  I have a geforce2
> card. 
> > > While this doesn't help with the peoblems with
> the
> > > 3dfx cards it does comment on the general
> > "problem"
> > > of
> > > no fullscreen gaming.  I haven't done anything
> > extra
> > > or weird to my system other then to install the
> > two
> > > nvidia driver packages.
> > > 
> > > If your games are runing really slow you are
> > > probably
> > > using Mesa and not glide libraries for your 3d
> > > acceleration.  There are various ways to fix
> this
> > > depending on the game.  Sometimes you just have
> to
> > > edit a config file so it points to the right
> libs.
> > 
> > > Other times you actually don't have the right
> libs
> > > installed (in which case you must figure out
> which
> > > ones you need and install them) or the game
> cannot
> > > use
> > > the libs that you do have installed. (In which
> > case
> > > you are F**ked)
> > > 
> > > My brother has a V5 and runs mdk 8.0.  We've
> spent
> > > more then a few hours trying to figure out how
> to
> > > make
> > > it work for full screen acceleration.  I had a
> v5
> > > around x 4.01 time (and I suppose you could use
> > the
> > > x
> > > 4.01 packages from the old linux.3dfx.com if you
> > > could
> > > find em but they wouldn't be much better then
> what
> > > you
> > > got right now ;-) and I finially ditched it so I
> > > could
> > > have some good performance and regularly updated
> > > drivers in linux.
> > > 
> > > I sincerely doubt that there is some conspiracy
> in
> > > mandrake to make 3d acceleration only work
> > partially
> > > folks.  That's just silly.
> > > 
> > > If we keep working on this we'll figure it out.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Abe
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > Not a Voodoo problem, seems to affect  more
> > > > video-card.Is a kdm problem 
> > > > when DRI (3d acceleration is activated). It
> > > appears
> > > > using XFree86 4.0.2 
> > > > and 4.0.3 with KDE 2.1 and DRi (graphical
> > > > acceleration) activated.
> > > > 
> > > > a) if 3d-games run so slow, then you have not
> > DRI
> > > > activated and not 
> > > > full screen problems. :-( 
> > > > SOLUTION: install 3d acceleration.
> > > > 
> > > > b) if 3d-games run fast, DRI is activated and
> > then
> > > > kdm make the switch 
> > > > between resoultions (by hand (CTL+ALT+(*) or
> by
> > > the
> > > > game when it runs) 
> > > > crashes X. 
> > > > SOLUTION: start linux in console mode and
> after
> > > > login, startx activate 
> > > > the X and you will be capable of play games in
> > > full
> > > > screen mode. 
> > > > Another more complicated solution is use a
> > graphic
> > > > login different of 
> > > > kdm, for example gdm or xdm.
> > > > 
> > > > NOTE: the problem seems to affect not only
> Voodo
> > > but
> > > > other video-cards.
> > > > 
> > > > Francisco Alcaraz
> > > > Murcia (Spain)
> > > > 
> > > > ----- Mensaje Original -----
> > > > Remitente: Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
=== message truncated ===

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