hiho all !

i am planning to set up my own email server, i read several howtos and man 
pages but there are still some things which are not
clear to me.

first let me describe what i want to do :

1) i want to fetch email from various pop3 servers
2) spam-filter them
3) scan their attachments for viruses
4) transfer them to my windows client behind my gateway (where all this 
should take place)

ad 1)

as far as i know for this to be done one needs the programm "fetchmail".
now i have some questions regarding this:

a) why in the world does fetchmail want to send the emails it got from the 
pop servers via sendmail and local port 25 ?
     i want them to stay on the gateway in the users directory, and i dont 
want them to be sent elsewhere ...
b) i saw that one can create .fetchmailrc files to "poll" email in certain 
periods of time.
     but what if i want to fetch my email via my windows client NOW and not 
next time cron starts fetchmail ?
     is there a way to have fetchmail "see" that it should fetch mail NOW ?

ad 2) i know that i can use procmail for this and what i first want to do is :
          filter all spam mails with certain words in their subject.
          now what i did so far is, creating a procmailrc file that 
contains following entry
* <word to trigger filter here>

now there are lots of words which occur in spam mail and instead of writing 
such an entry for each of them---is it possible to to an "OR" expression in 
the * section ?
just to list all words there and say : if this word occurs OR if this word 
occurs OR........-> /dev/null

ad 3) where do i have to call the email virus scan programm - > in the 
procmailrc file ?.....a filter that matches ALL emails and then as an 
action scan them for mails ?......which expression DOES match ALL incoming 
mails ?

4) i use ipop3d on the gateway to get the mails in my users mailfolder on 
my windows client.
    now if i telnet to port 110 of my gateway i get following after 
entering the correct user/pass:

-ERR Unable to open user's INBOX

what can cause this ?.....
i know the emails are there because if i check my /var/spool/mail/user file 
they are all there......

and last but not least, can anybody recomment good tutorials/guides/how-tos 
or other sources that cover these topics ?

thx for your efforts,


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