Hey all,
I accidentally deleted some files that were installed
on my system via an RPM last night.  I tried to
reinstall the RPM with "rpm -U theRPMName", but the
rpm utility told me that the rpm was already
installed.  If it's possible, I'd like to get access
to just those files that I accidentally deleted, so
that no files are overwritten that shouldn't be.  Does
anyone know how this would be done?  If I were to do a
forced install, would I accidentally overwrite more
recent versions of files?  The rpm I'm using is the
XFree86-devel RPM from LM 8.0, and I accidentally
deleted the header files in /usr/X11R6/include/GL.  If
it's easier, could someone send me a gzipped tarball
of these files?  Thanks in advance to whoever can help
solve my little hiccup (I'd give you an explanation as
to how this happened, but it would be too embarrassing).

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