If you still have the original rpm, you can do a:
rpm -qpil rpmname and that will show you what files the rpm has
it will also tell you where it installes them to

On Fri, 18 May 2001, Scott Canady wrote:

> Hey all,
> I accidentally deleted some files that were installed
> on my system via an RPM last night.  I tried to
> reinstall the RPM with "rpm -U theRPMName", but the
> rpm utility told me that the rpm was already
> installed.  If it's possible, I'd like to get access
> to just those files that I accidentally deleted, so
> that no files are overwritten that shouldn't be.  Does
> anyone know how this would be done?  If I were to do a
> forced install, would I accidentally overwrite more
> recent versions of files?  The rpm I'm using is the
> XFree86-devel RPM from LM 8.0, and I accidentally
> deleted the header files in /usr/X11R6/include/GL.  If
> it's easier, could someone send me a gzipped tarball
> of these files?  Thanks in advance to whoever can help
> solve my little hiccup (I'd give you an explanation as
> to how this happened, but it would be too embarrassing).
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