THis type of file is commonly called a "tarball", and generally it is in 
source format. What you need to do is, run (in a terminal window) the 
        tar -xvzf mytarball.tar.gz
You will see a bunch of lines scroll by in your xterm as the file is 
decompressed, then you will have your command prompt again. If you type
you should now see a new directory in your current directory, typically 
named the same as the tarball, except without the .tar.gz extension. Thus 
is my example, your diretory is called mytarball/. If you now
        cd mytarball/
to get into this directory, you should see at the very least a README 
file, and probably also an INSTALL file, which will give directions on 
compiling this application and installing. Usually, all you need to do is
        su (must be root to actually install)
        make install
        exit (to get out of root)
Then run your new program.

Hope this helps,

On Saturday 19 May 2001 00:35, thus spake Ujang:
> I've downloaded few applications with extension tar.gz but dont
> really know how to install it. I understand that there's command to
> install it. Could someone guide me how to install the applications
> under linux?
> My PC running Linux Mandrake 7.1.
> a Linux Newbie

"Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

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