On Sat, 19 May 2001 23:34, Irv Mullins wrote:
> Edit the file .bashrc    (note the leading dot)
> Add two lines like the following:
> PATH=/home/irv/euphoria/bin:$PATH
> export PATH
> Replace /home/irv/euphoria/bin:  with the full path to your  sdk
> probably /home/mike/something/something.....

Mike, when you want to change your CLASSPATH, you do that in
exactly the same way, except that you won't already have a 
CLASSPATH line in the .bashrc file. The path setting is a list of
directories separated by colons (in case that wasn't clear), and
$PATH means 'whatever PATH is already set to'. So the statement

> PATH=/home/irv/euphoria/bin:$PATH

means 'change PATH to be /home/irv... followed by whatever it
already was'. The export statement tells the shell that when it
starts another program (e.g. java) to pass on the value of the 
PATH variable. If you don't export PATH, java won't be able to
see it. For more details on shell variables, you can do 'man bash',
but shell manuals are usually VERY long.


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