Thanx to everybody that replied.

I bought the mother board and I'm currently running on that machine now.
The only problem I had was making sure the NIC and the soundcard didn't
conflict with the other hardware, after I got that worked out, the machine
is up and running.  Quite I might add!  I didn't have any problems that I 
had with isntalling Mandrake 8 this time that I Did the first time.

It may be me as well, but it seems that the drives are accessing a lot 
faster on the Promise controller then they did previously with out!  And
to think I could add another 5 IDE devices if I choose! :0)

accounts: 20
bogomips: 1710.48
cpu: AMD 6:AMD-Athlon(tm)-Processor/857
disk: 46463
kernel: 2.4.3-20mdk
key: 95321
memory: 255.921875
method: machine-update version 0.16
owner: 206266-58430
uniqueid: 97326857
uptime: 18:03
users: 1

When I bought the processor, I asked for the 850 THUNDERBIRD, but the
woman gave me the DURON.  Since she didn't charge me the THUNDERBIRD
price, I may just keep the machine as it is.

Thanx for all the help everybody!

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Tim Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010518 08:05]:
| I'm in the midst of building a new machine and I'm trying to decide what
| motherboard I should go after.
| I'm going with a AMD K7 850, (For $105, it's a great price! :0) so now I 
| need a motherboard to put it in of course.  Upon looking at motherboards,
| I saw the ASUS A7V133 and the A7Pro.
| Well the A7V133 has an onboard Promise controller.  It's the PCI-ATA100,
| it also has 4 x PCI and 1 x PCI/AMR.  What I need to do is set the machine
| up with a SoundBlaster 16, and two NICs.  Provided I can work the shared
| IRQs so there aren't any IRQ conflicts, will Mandrake 8.0 have a problem 
| with the PCI-ATA100 controller?
| I like the A7V133 over the A7Pro for two reason.  The A7V133 has 266/200
| FSB, the A7Pro only has 200 FSB.  No big deal there, but the A7Pro only
| does UltraDMA/66.  I have UltraDMA/100 drives so I would like to access
| an use that speed.  Other wise I'd go with the A7Pro because one it's about
| $30 cheaper, and not having to worry about problems with that Promise 
| Controller.
| Does anybody else know how this motherboard/IDE controller combination 
| works with other distros?  I like to frequently just install another
| distro on a spare drive just to see what it looks like.  Thus far I've not
| come across anything that'd make me leave Mandrake, but I like knowing 
| what's out there, and having some sort of knowledge of it.
| Any help would be really appreciated.  And for those of you running this 
| kind of hardware, your experience and or war stories are very welcomed!
| Thanks!
| tdh
| -- 
| T. Holmes
| "Real Men use Vi."

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