Simple--any free memory is immediately grabbed for cache and buffers to make 
the system run faster...  When a program needs memory, some of the allocated 
cache is freed for that program, then grabbed when the program is done or 
when it releases the memory to the unallocated pool.

Unused memory is WASTED memory.  Your system is functioning as it should.


On Sunday 27 May 2001 09:33, Jason Jesso wrote:
> Hi:
> I am using LM8.0 on an Intel Pentium 233 MHz with MMX with 96 MB of RAM.
> After starting KDE2.1.1 and listing /proc/meminfo I get:
> 1:jason>  cat /proc/meminfo
>         total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
> Mem:  96972800 95223808  1748992        0  5554176 49385472
> Swap: 131567616    81920 131485696
> MemTotal:        94700 kB
> MemFree:          1708 kB
> MemShared:           0 kB
> Buffers:          5424 kB
> Cached:          48228 kB
> Active:          42820 kB
> Inact_dirty:      9076 kB
> Inact_clean:      1756 kB
> Inact_target:       80 kB
> HighTotal:           0 kB
> HighFree:            0 kB
> LowTotal:        94700 kB
> LowFree:          1708 kB
> SwapTotal:      128484 kB
> SwapFree:       128404 kB
> 1:jason>
> I looks to me that the total memory used is 95MB which leaves me 1.7 MB
> free. I find this really hard to believe, since I upgraded from 32MB of RAM
> so I can have more memory, but now I am no better off.  Why so much memory
> is used? I didn't even run any applications yet after login besides Kmail
> and an xterm.
> Thanks
> Jason

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