> I wonder how i can rename, for instance, *.mp3 to *.ogg files...

You can't rename them - if you simply did that you would have a bunch
of mp3 files with an 'ogg' extension, which is something I don't think
you want.

Converting them inside of a shell script would be the approach I'd
take. mpg123 can output to a disk file, which you then could use oggenc
to encode into an .ogg format file.

When I last tried this, the output of mpg123 wasn't exactly in the right
format for oggenc, so a further conversion step through 'sox' was needed.

I'll do a little research if you want but basically the step goes like:

#! /bin/sh
for i in `ls *.mp3` # all files in directory
  mpg123 -s $i >/tmp/$i.raw  #convert to 'raw' file
  sox -r 44100 -sw -c 2 -t wav -o /tmp/$i.wav /tmp/$i.raw
  oggenc -o $i.ogg /tmp/$i.wav
  rm -f /tmp/$i.{raw,ogg}

The temporary files may be unnecessary as it seems this can be done
using pipes. You may have to play a bit with this, especially the
'sox' line as it is a bit difficult. But maybe you get the general
idea.  Once you have it finalized, save it off into its own file, 
make it executable, and you've got yourself a converter. :)

Theoretically, this is a general approach that can be further used
to do a wide range of conversions - even do post-processing of the
sound files etc. Your windows app may be easier especially if it has
a 'convert' button that does the conversion behind the scenes, but what
if that isn't quite what you want to do? 

>         Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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