well first get normal networking happening on the linux box, you should have
a network cart in both the windoze and linux box's..

connect them using a hub or a crossover cable (cheaper then a hub)

you then set the ethernet card in the windows 2000 box to (I
think it might do it for you when you share the connection)

set the linux box's IP to or similiar...

you should be able to ping each machine from the other...

once that is done,, you need only set the gateway on the linux box to the
ethernet IP of the windows box.. (in this case and set the dns
up to use telstrs name servers,,,

as for which connection to share,, if you have two, one is most likely the
ADSL and the other the internal network,,,

you need only set the ADSL connection up for sharing...

hope this helps



-----Original Message-----
From: ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 4 June 2001 5:28 PM
To: Franki
Subject: RE: [newbie] telstra adsl

At 05:07 PM 6/4/2001 +0800, you wrote:
>you should just be able to setup the window2000 box to share its
>(when connected, open the connection properties and select share this

When it was setup, there was 2 connections.  So I share on both?

>Then in your linux box, set it to use the telstra dns, and set its gateway
>to the ip of the win2000 ethernet card...

What hardware do I need in the Linux Box to get this to happen (network
cards, routers, cables etc?)

>you should be pretty much up and running then,,,

Lets hope so!

Thanks for your help ;-)


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