
    I've lately installed LM8.0 and had it running well for the last

    The only problem I've had is Sawfish crashing periodically. I think
this may be linked to the Desk Guide applet, which crashed at the same
time Sawfish dies. I've been able to continue by restarting Sawfish. The
problem occured about once a week, until last night, when it happened
several times.

    This morning when I booted Linux, I was presented with the
non-graphical console login screen, instead of the usual graphical
login. I thought the X server might be the problem, so I tried to start
it manually with 'startx', which gave the following messages:

        FontTransSocketUNIXConnect: can't connect: errno = 2
        failed to set default font path 'unix/:-1
        fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'.

    I'm afraid I'm too new to Linux to know what to do to fix this
problem, so I very much appreciate advice from anyone as to how to fix
it. As a very last resort I guess I could try re-installing LM8.0, but
its taken me weeks to get my development environment nicely setup, and I
would hate to have to do it over again.



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