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On Tuesday 19 June 2001 11:20, thus spake strab dogg:
> OK i installed linux : swap file was 256 and all the other / .


> Ok now if i turn on my comp a blach screen comes :
> linux windows floppy and stuff is written there and there is a boot: if
> i write there windows it says VIRUS ALERT i click continiue and then yes
> . I got into windows :) . if i write there linux i get into linux .

Do you habe a BIOS-level virus detector? It sounds like some kind of 
low-level software is detecting a change in the Master Boot Record, and 
doesn't like it.

> Heres the problem ( 4 )
> *How can i make LILO graphical ? not the white text on black background
> like in dos .

LILO is strictly text. However, you can install Boot Magic (from the same 
company that did Partition Magic) and use that to boot your multiple 
partitions/operating systems. It supports Windows and Linux (Caldera 
OpenLinux eDesktop actually ships with a specially-licensed copy, and it 
works perfectly). It gives a pretty GUI screen and you can specify icons 
for each operating system. It also supports your mouse, so you just click 
the icon and away you go!

> *Whats up whit the virus ? Ill scan in windows with my Norton antivirus
> 2001 later.

See above comment re: BIOS-level virus checker.

> *Is it normal that in windows i cant see my E: drive where linux is
> located ?

Windows is unable to read the ext2 filesystem, so I just ignores that 
partition. There are apps available for Windows that *can* let you read 
your ext2 partitions, but I have never used them so I can't speak for 
their reliability.

> *How can i login as root :D ? (this is a stupid question)

At the login prompt, just select root, and the password you specified 
during the installation. If you are automatically being logged in as a 
default user (an option I have only seen available from Mandrake), then 
you need to make a security change which I never done, but which I know is 
possible. Someone else will need to answer this one.


> Please answer .
> And thatks all who helped me installing Linux :)
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