I don't use a GUI mail client, but my sister uses KMail.  I thought I saw an option for
import/export.  Not sure if that means you can assimilate mail into your mail boxes, 
but if
you can, all you should need to do would be copy the folders to your $HOME and then use
Kmail's drop down menus and import them.  That may do the job for you!

T. Holmes
"Real Men Us Vi!"

 9:44AM  up 2 days, 23:37, 3 users, load averages: 0.04, 0.03, 0.00

| Try this, after closing Kmail and backing up all your mail files (just 
| in case):
| 1. In your /home/user/Mail directory, delete all *.index files.
| 2. In this directory, make a subdirectory: ".newmail.directory"
| 3. Copy your mail files from the other drive across into this 
| directory, leaving out *.index files.
| 4. Do the same for the other drive, but make another directory to copy 
| to.
| 5. Restart Kmail.
| On Thu, 21 Jun 2001 08:17, Richard Davies wrote:
| > Hi,
| >
| > I have 3 different hard drives here that have come from 3 different
| > systems and locations over the last 12 months.
| > All of them have the directories /home/user/Mail with Mail
| > containing different folders on each one inbox, outbox and sent mail
| > being common to them all.
| > I want to somehow merge all of these together on one drive so I can
| > scan back through all of the last 18 months mail without having to
| > load different mailboxes into Kmail.
| >
| > Thanks in advance for any bright ideas on how to do this.
| -- 
| Sridhar Dhanapalan.
|       "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
|       LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
|               -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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