It was Tue, 26 Jun 2001 21:20:17 +0100 when bascule wrote:

They tried to port it to Win NT, but that failed. The amount of addresses was
too much for it.

>er, i don't wish to be pedantic but i believe that hotmail is using some 
>freebsd installations which i believe (could be misinformed) have different 
>licence situation than linux? i don't think linux should claim ground that 
>isn't strictly it's own, i wouldn't have thought that this would serve 'the 
>haveOn Tuesday 26 June 2001  9:00 pm, you wrote:
>> Edward Barrow wrote:
>> > It was also built and runs on Linux (MS are embarrassed by this and plan
>> > to migrate it to W2K, I don't know if they've done so yet)
>> It will probably stop working when they do.

When in doubt, do it.
It's much easier to apologize than to get permission.
-Grace Murray Hopper - Registered Linux User 174403
       Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
    ** - when you care **

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