On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, s wrote:

> If they are rpms then go to run level 3 (ctrl+alt+backspace) and log in as 
> root, then type:  cd <towherethedriversare>
> then:  rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_kernel.xxx.rpm           and
> rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_GLX-xxx.rpm                         (whatever they are 
> exactly called).   Then type:  exit, startx, and see if they worked.  If not 
> go to nvidia.com and get the tarballs.
> -s

I find that the tarballs don't work at *all*.  save yourself some
trouble and get the tarballs first thing, then follow the readme on the

"I'd rather be a pessimist proved wrong then an optimist proved wrong."

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