
David E. Fox wrote:
> So far so good...some servers should be included, postfix / apache
> probably for starters. No need for innd,postgresd, etc. Again, the
> current installation profiles need to be tweaked - one shouldn't have
> to go for a server install to get a few necessary (plus some that
> aren't - depending on what you want to do) plus 'workstation' plus
> 'development' to get a basic workstation with some development and
> server capability -- which I think is what many want.

Include Samba server and client, pre-setup to easily allow enabling of
file and printer sharing, in both directions.

Also, make sure standard installation:

- Makes printing "Just work" (including to a shared remote printer on a
Windows box)

- Makes sound "Just work"

- Makes CD burner "Just work" (including easy selection of DAO option --
maybe the default for audio CDs)

- Provides good looking fonts (for any hardware) by default, allows easy
selection of good looking alternates

- Prominently displays list of hardware that works / does not work "on
the box" (or booklet attached to box but readable before buying) (tough
to do).

- Starts (Free)Civ for a local single player game with one command
(which starts client and server, starts game, and has a "more about
FreeCiv" button that briefly explains that "Civ on Linux includes a
client and a server to make it easy to play multiplayer games over a
network (or locally), but can make it a little confusing for someone who
just want to play a local single player game.  Someday you'll want to
learn the commands to start the server and client separately, when you
do press <help_for_multiplayer>."  (Or have multiplayer be an option on
a startup menu after you start Civ with the single command.  Or, default
to multiplayer, and ask "How many players on this computer?", "How many
players on other computers?", and "How many computer players?")  (I
guess I should send this to the FreeCiv list.)

Randy Kramer

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