On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 20:59, Michel Clasquin wrote:
> On Saturday 30 June 2001 10:35, Franki wrote:
> non-KDE/non-GNOMEapps:
> xmms - it looks like Winamp, sounds like winamp, it even uses winamp skins.
> A newie essential.

XMMS is actually part of the GNOME project. It works equally well in KDE, 

> Netscape/mozilla: for compatibility reasons
> xgalaga - just because

Hehehe... Add xbill and freeciv to that!

> GIMP - Yes I know it is a Gnome app, but you could hardly not mention it
> separately, right?
> > 4. No servers included in this distro.
> > 5. market it as linux for windoze users... the power of linux with the
> > ease of windows. (that may not appeal to us, ,but it will appeal to
> > windoze users..)
> > 6. possibly even a file manager that calls / (c drive) /home (my docs)
> > and /usr (prog files) and /proc (linux) and /mnt/floppy (a drive)
> > /mnt/cdrom (d drive)  to help them feel at home, although thats proably
> > overkill...
> <g>
> Additionally
> 7. Hide the root account even more than is being done already. Extensive
> use of kdesu is the key here. Package the root password as "knowing a
> special secret code that lets you install new things" rather than as just
> the password of some weird user called root. ("Honey, do we know anyone
> called Root?")
> > because it cuts down on alot of the reasons that linux is great, but it
> > should still be done because its the best way to lure disgruntled windoze
> > users over to the greener pastures..
> Some good ideas here. Hope the mandrakeans are reading this forum.
> Hey, what was the name of Mandrake the Magician's sidekick again? Lothar, I
> think. How's that for a name: LotharLinux.

Lothar was actually the old name of HardDrake, back in the Mandrake 7.0/7.1 

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
        LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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