
I'm a new user of Linux and Mandrake.  I've installed Mandrake 7.2 and quite 
pleased with it.  However, I'm still quite confused about loading software 
other than rpms.  I've got the rpms down fairly well since it seems to be a 
no-brainer how to install them.

I've downloaded Star Office from in the 12 segments.  Sun says to use 
the so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en-000.bin file to install the software.  Apparently 
I don't understand and obviously don't know what I am doing.  I've tried 
several different ways to install and it doesn't work. Could anyone tell me 
how this should work?

Also is there any book or booklet that gives the rudimentary ways of working 
with LM7.2 and KDE (a kind of dummies book)?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Lynn Sadler
powered by the Penquin (Linux-Mandrake)

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