Some companies require the usage of the Out of Office AutoReply feature,
and it appears that Compaq is one of them. IMHO, it's a Very Good Thing
in a corporate environment, although it can be a nuisance if the person
is on a maillist. Since I'm retired now and no longer have access to
Outlook Explorer (ain't that a damn shame), I don't know if there are
settings that will prevent replying to some messages based on e-mail
addresses, but stopping these messages at the source is probably the
best remedy.

Best thing about retirement: Every day is Saturday.

civileme wrote:
> On Sunday 01 July 2001 02:56, Curtis Matthiesen wrote:
> > I also get this message from this fellow everytime I post to the
> > mailing list, does anyone know how I can stop getting these as
> > they're annoying as heck.
> >
> > TIA
> >
> >
> >
> > Curtis
> >
> >
> > From: "Wehling, Rich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> snip

>>> snip
> Well, you might have a filter capability with hotmail.  I have never
> used them, so I don't know.  If you have a pop3 type account and you
> use anything from pine to Kmail to pick up mail you have either
> filter rules or the name to drop into a kill folder.
> But the best way to deal with the situation is to write to the person
> who set up the autoreply, as soon as he is back in his office and
> inform him _courteously_ of the problem he probably wasn't aware he
> was causing.
> Civileme

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