
    My system (LM8.0) broke down a few weeks ago, with the X server
complaining that it couldn't open the default font 'fixed'. A re-install
fixed the problem, but I've just re-experienced the same trouble.

    In despair, I was about to re-install again, when I recalled that
the root ('/') partition on my hard drive was suspiciously close to
full. When I checked, sure enough, the partition was completely full,
and after I moved some files to a different partition to make a little
free space, I re-booted and the X server started normally. No more

    When I checked the '/' partition, I found the disk hogs to be the
log's in '/var/log'. So, I guess my questions are:

        - Which log files can be safely deleted ?
        - Is it normal for these logs to grow so large, so quickly ?
        - Are there any other system files which may need periodic
purging ?



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