
I have no idea why anything would stay there. (?)

As an addendum, I've been reading a book on Linux security,
and the author has said that sometimes crackers try to wreak
havoc on a system by placing destructive scripts with
command names in different places (i.e. a script to bloat up
the hard drive named "ls"). The /tmp directory is one of
those places.

I haven't figured out why /tmp, but I figure even a dumb
reason is one more good reason to keep /tmp tidy.


> Miark and Frank,
> Thanks for letting me know about deleting stuff in the
/tmp directory.
> I'll move the contents somewhere else and see if anything
complains. If
> not, blow it away.
> Do you know why things get left in /tmp? In Windows, it's
because a
> program crashes and doesn't have a chance to close its
temp files, or a
> program or installation routine fails to clean up after
itself by
> deleting its temporary files.
>  --Judy Miner

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