Ah... thanks Michael.  I couldn't remember what the case was.  Like I
said, it's been a long time since I've had to login as single user.
And that time was for a hardware configuration issue.  So I had to
login that way and edit a config file so I could then continue on.  But
I know my root passwd! :0)  My problems is remember the root passwd,
which is pretty much different across the board, for 6 *nix boxes!

But now I have my installs almost down to a "build."  I mean I don't
even bother to install the telnet server or other things like FTP for
security reasons on plain workstations! 


T. Holmes
"Real Men Us Vi!"

10:44PM  up 5 days,  1:50, 4 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Tim,
| Unless you have specifically enabled a password for lilo configuration or
| have (I think) selected the high Mandrake security option, it will boot
| single user with no password.  The only time it does require a password at
| boot, iirc, is when you attempt to boot after a system has suffered a hard
| crash (ie, power loss) on an ext2fs install with more problems than the
| automated e2fsck can handle -- I'm sure civilme or one of the others will
| correct me if I'm wrong here.  The other way around this of course, is to
| install sudo and have your user account able to access root that way.  This
| way, even if you forget the root password, you have a way to change it.
| Michael
| Michael Viron
| Registered Linux User #81978
| Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
| Web Spinners, University of West Florida
| At 09:57 PM 07/09/2001 -0400, Tim Holmes wrote:
| >But doesn't it still ask you for the passwd?  I haven't logged into
| >single user mode in a very long time.  I can't remember.  But I thought
| >it still asks you for the root passwd.  I could be wrong of course.
| >tdh
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