On Tue, 10 Jul 2001 11:38, Franki wrote:
> Sure, it can be useful to anyone,, it has all the features of ext2, but
> alot more..
> 1. it is faster, albiet not hugely so.

ReiserFS is optimised for very small files, without compromising performance 
for larger files. It is also more space-efficient for small files.

> 2. It handles crashes and resets much better, ususally with no probs at
> all. (I have never had any at all.)

Because of journalling, there is no need to fsck after a crash. ReiserFS 
filesystems are very durable.

> 3. It doesn't defrag at all, at least not enough to effect anything...

ext2 does not require any defragmentation either, but it does require an fsck 
if you don't unmount it properly (e.g. you press your reset button).

> If they are not enough to justify use, I don't know what is..

There are some known issues when using ReiserFS on configurations using RAID 
and NFS. I don't know if these have been fully addressed as of yet. I have 
read that the 2.4.3 kernel used in LM8 has a few little ReiserFS problems 
such as these. For an ordinary desktop, however, things should be fine. I 
have been running ReiserFS for several months now with no trouble.

For more info, take a look at http://www.namesys.com.

> as to where to get it...
> you aleady have it.. when you format your drives in mandrake setup. you can
> select reiserFS, instead of ext2..
> if you do that, it will do everying else for you...
> Thats all there is too it...
> (I think there is also ext3, which is a similiar filesystem to
> reiserfs...but I have not tried it yet.)

I'm not too knowledgeable on ext3, but AFAIK it is not yet as mature as 
ReiserFS and it does not have any speed/space advantages for small files.

> hope this helps
> regards
> Frank
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles A. Punch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, 8 July 2001 12:16 PM
> Cc: Rules Address for MDK
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Logs!!
> ranki wrote:
> > nope, reiserfs is a replacement for ext2..
> >
> > its a new type of journaling filesystem...
> >
> > I am using it on my boxes,, it has some benefits, no defrag, and it
> > remembers its good state,
> Would  reiserfs have any advantage for a single user,  or is it for
> networking? If so, where can I get it and please share any relevant
> info. Does it affect speed at all?
> My desktop box in it's current state runs pretty well (1.2ghz and 512
> mb), but my laptop only has 80 mb of ram and is sharing 2gb with
> windows. It is actually pretty fast considering, but I am spoiled by my
> desktop and I am looking for anything that may speed it up.
> ShalomOut
>    Chal
> Registered Linux user #217118
> Windows eats itself

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
        LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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