On Saturday 23 June 2001 01:31, Wing Min Ho wrote:
> Help Me!
> 1. when i 1st time install Linux Mandrake 7.1, i got
> no problem. But i dont know how to uninstall it.

There are several ways to do this -- here's one: You need a partition tool 
such as DOS' fdisk or Partition Magic or even Linux's fdisk or diskdrake.  
Use one of these to erase all your mandrake 7.1 partitions (of course, the 
linux ones may not help in this situation as you cannot erase the root 
filesystem while you are using it etc.!).  DOS FDisk, however, may have 
trouble deleting your linux partitions.  Assuming that you have finally 
gotten rid of all the linux partitions, type "fdisk /mbr" at a DOS 
prompt/command line.

> 2. Then i try to install Linux Mandrake 7.2, it still
> can work. But there is a problem, i dont' want Linux
> as a default OS (I have Windows 98 that is still in
> the hard disk) Unfortunately, i dont' know how to set
> the default.

If you are using a boot manager called GRUB, I don't know.  If you are using 
LILO, then you can edit /etc/lilo.conf and then run lilo afterwards.  You 
could also try the program klilo in KDE.  Note that you have to be root to do 
any of these things.

If you are going to use the "edit /etc/lilo.conf" method, then put the line 
"default=Windows98" (without the quotes) in it, assuming your entry 
"other=/dev/hda1" had a line immediately before or after it looking like 

> 3. After i install Linux Mandrake 7.2, and i had done
> something in the LILO (i dont' know what i had done
> what to the LILO). When i started my computer, then i
> got this message "Stage1 Geom Error". No thing moving
> in my computer.

Did you enable/disable LBA or some obscure disk option?  Only a guess.

> 4. Then i try to install Linux Red Hat 6.2(may be is
> chinese version). (While installing Linux, I had some
> time reset my computer.) When i reinstall the Linux
> Mandrake 7.2, my computer had hanged two time(because
> i install it two times.)


> 5. Now the problem is here, my hole hdd can't read. i
> use msdos for fdisk it but cant'. At last, i use Red
> Hat 7.2 to format my hdd. Now my hdd is about 2GB. My
> hdd capacity is about 8GB.

Err again...

> Q1: How to reset my hdd to 8 GB?

Could you send me the output of "cat /proc/partitions"?

> Q2: Why the 'State1 Geom Error' out, nothing is moving
> to my computer?

don't know, sorry...

> Q3: How to set my sound card so that i can listen
> music?

If you are using OSS (very likely), then run the command sndconfig as root.
You should avoid running it X (or so the warning says!) but it runs fine for 
me in X.  If you are using ALSA, I point you to www.alsa-project.org :)

- George

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