Chris wrote:
>> Does there seem to be a problem with the ppp dialler set-up running
gnome 1.4 under Mandrake 8.  I have previously installed Mandrake 8 with
the KDE desktop option and had set-up the dialler up in a matter of
minutes. Has anybody else had a problem in this area or suggestions as
to how to get it up and running, <<

I have also been unable to get the Gnome dialer to work. The Kppp dialer
works fine and set up with no problems. The last time I tried it, the
Gnome dialer did dial but immediately dropped the connection. This has
happened every time I've tried it. On another computer I no longer use
on which I had Linux installed briefly, the Gnome dialer wouldn't work
at all, but Kppp dialer did.

I don't know anything about the underlying problem. My modem is a 56K
hardware-based external connected to com 2. The other computer had an
ISA plug and play real modem, not a Winmodem.
 --Judy Miner

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