On July 12, 2001 04:22 am, you wrote:

> This time I was trying to put Mandrake 8.0 on my son's computer.  He has a
> 4 gig master hdd as C: over half full and a 10 gig slave as D: with about 4
> used up.  I thought I could put it on hdb but the installer says that it
> can not resize that partition (no other error given).  (It says it can
> resize hda, but there isn't enough room left on it.)  I've run windows
> defrag on it a couple of times to no avail.  He's using an asus CUBX mobo
> with 440bx chipset and a celeron cpu with 256mb ram.  His hdds are a
> samsung (4 gig) and the 10 gig is a maxtor. Both IDE.   If it would help, I
> might be able to get specific model numbers.
> Any suggestions how I might get Mandrake installed on hdb?

Hey SusieQ :-)

If memory servers me right you have a few systems in your household right?

If so here is an option for you ...

Remove the 10GB drive, and install it as a slave in one of your other 
systems.  Remember to set the BIOS on this system the first time it posts to 
recognize, or find the new drive.  Once it's fired up copy all of the files 
on to the primary hard drive.  Take the 10GB drive out, and put it back in 
your son's machine.  Boot off a Win '98 start up disk, and use fdisk to 
delete the existing partition on the slave drive.  Then use fdisk to create a 
new extended parition, and when it asks you if you want to use all of the 
available space say no, and make it something like 50%.  After that create a 
logical partition in the extended partition, reboot the system, and format 
the new parition.  Now you can take the drive out of your son's machine, put 
it in the system that has a backup of his data, and copy the data back on to 
his disk.  With the hard drive back in his system you will now be able to use 
the free space on hdb to install LM.




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