On Friday 13 July 2001 07:58, Anguo wrote:
> Hi Civileme,
> you wrote:
> > If people would take notes of a session they had with software manager,
> > we would be able to see where their intuition leads them (we are spoiled
> > by being close to its design and implementation, so what we do [wihout
> > thinking much about it] is already trained to a certain procedure) and we
> > would be able to make the software more truly intuitive in its user
> > interface.
> May I ask: are you asking for details of a session specificaly with
> software manager or for anything related to Mandrake Linux?
> I understand that you're a paid MandrakeSoft engineer and one of your job
> is to help out on this list (thank you very much for that!).
> You also seem to be testing a lot of different hardware.
> Are you also involved in developing the software manager?
> I am mostly just curious, but I also would like to know what kind of
> feedback you were asking for precisely.
> thanks
> Anguo

Software manager is an example of counter-intuitive software for many users.

I am a paid engineer for Quality Assurance at Mandrakesoft.  That means I 
look at tools we develop and try to assure they are user-friendly.  When I 
see a lot of bug reports on a tool that we cannot reproduce here, I judge the 
software is counter-intuitive and that newbies to the software are doing 
things we didn't defend against, and don't know how to do ourselves.

If we know the steps followed to reproduce a problem, we can get an ides how 

Advise the user in the running software

Block the error

Redo the interface

And no, I am not paid to be on the newbie list--I work at my job about 8-10 
hours a day and relax by posting on the newbie list for another 4-6 hours.


> 在 2001 七月 10 星期二 00:12,civileme 寫道:
> > Mandrake is already rejected by many who like to think of themselves as
> > l33t, but I don't believe we have lost that much of the power of linux.
> > The point is this; we believe that a system can be powerful, flexible,
> > and user-friendly.  The power and flexibility are built-in for linux so
> > much of our work is on user-friendliness.
> >
> > We therefore welcome input on it.
> >
> > We don't happen to believe that Microsoft has necessarily found the best
> > solution to any one problem associated with use.  (Who would intuit that
> > you press the "Start" key to shut down?)  It is a major force because
> > many people are familiar with it, but the style it provides is not
> > necessarily the best.
> >
> > We may have no better idea what is intuitive and what is not than they
> > do, so that is where the folks here can help us.  Think carefully, when
> > confused, and note the steps you take to do things with your computer.
> >
> > We know we're producing a counter-intuitive interface when a lot of folks
> > are reporting errors we cannot reproduce.  This happens frequently with
> > software manager right now.
> >
> > If people would take notes of a session they had with software manager,
> > we would be able to see where their intuition leads them (we are spoiled
> > by being close to its design and implementation, so what we do [wihout
> > thinking much about it] is already trained to a certain procedure) and we
> > would be able to make the software more truly intuitive in its user
> > interface.
> >
> > I hope you get the idea. help us help you, by taking a few notes on your
> > steps, either as you make them (preferable) or when something goes wrong.
> >
> > Microsoft would like you to think theirs is intuitive, and Apple would
> > like you to think it is them instead.  But the fact is, no one to my
> > knowledge has done the interfaces with lots of user feedback where the
> > users consciously participated and statistics were used routinely to
> > study the data and come up with something that is close to what people
> > want.
> >
> > The next question of course, is does such a solution exist?  Or do we
> > have many that will be considered roughly equally intuitive?  I know one
> > way to discover that answer. :-)
> >
> > Civileme

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