On Friday 13 July 2001 08:19, Anguo wrote:
> Dear Civileme, and whomever on this list who is developing Mandrake,
> I read this on a local list:
> ----------  ¤wÂà±H°T®§  ----------
> > When will the CLE for redhat 7.0  come out?    Will the CLE for
> > mandrake8.0 be download?(The chinese of mandrake has a lot of bugs)
> (snip) Mandrake 8.1 will have better support for Chinese.
> (Thanks for Andrew Lee)
> ------------------------------------
> I have been using LM8.0 for 2-3 weeks now and I am still far from having
> configured it the way I would really be able to use it. I am not
> complaining, just trying to solve the problems one at a time. Anyway, I
> don't have the choice since I trashed Windows and don't intend to use it
> ever again.
> One of the most frustrating aspect of my linux/mandrake experience has been
> in the setting up of a chinese interface that I can really use (like
> chinese input not user-friendly, printer won't print chinese... can't use
> unicode to have chinese/french/german/etc in the same document... I am in
> the process of reading what document I could find and ask specific
> questions to a local list but should problems persist, I'll come back to
> this list for specific help).
> I am aware that Linux in general has progressed a lot in terms of
> internationalization and multi-language support (.i18n etc...). Despite my
> problems and frustration, I am overall impressed and optimistic for the
> future of both Linux and Mandrake.
> As to the real point of my mail (at last comming to it!), I wanted to ask
> you, who are involved in developing Mandrake, whether there will be a
> noticeable difference between 8.0 and 8.1 as far as multi-language/chinese
> support is concerned.
> In other words, will it be then (october?) worthwhile for me to upgrade
> from 8.0 to 8.1?
Yes, Alex showed me a Chinese printout yesterday.  Expect more translations 
as well.  The new ghostscript printer drivers make a big difference.


> Thanks for what Mandrake has already achieved, and thanks for all your
> efforts to make it always better.
> :-D
> Anguo

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