> I installed Wine-codeweavers and many apps works fine (the launch is VERY 
> slow, but they work).
> However, Eudora does not work well: even if I set it to store the mails and 
> the accounts infos in a custom direcotry, it tries to find them in its own dir.
> Details: Eudora in c:\progs\eudora, mails filters and datas in 
> d:\docs\eudora. I launch Eudora by clicking on it with konqueror, 
> it      starts (spaces indicating the delay) and asks me for account 
> informations. Strangely, it shows the mails, but only those, no filters, 
> addresses, accounts....
> Any idea?

If you do not want to switch to Kmail (like me), you may want to look at
sylpheed. It looks a lot like Eudora and has many of its features already.
You can also import the existing mailboxes into the (MH-like) folder
For the program: http://sylpheed.good-day.net
For the faq: http://nlpagan.net/sylpheedfaq.htm
For the english manual (work in progress):

Good luck

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